
Grow Your Patent Portfolio with Vertical Farming

August, 9th, 2021

By Ryan Newell The agriculture industry is undergoing rapid and revolutionary changes. Inventors should take notice. The traditional farming system is threatened by accelerating water shortages and an ever-growing population. To sustain everyone, it must [Read More…]

Efficient Patent Litigation Through Smart Claim Construction Strategies

September, 1st, 2020

By Stephen F.W. Ball and Benjamin N. Luehrs   You might think litigation, especially complex litigation like patent litigation, decreases in times of economic turbulence. History shows the opposite. This is somewhat intuitive because, in [Read More…]

WHIPgroup Prevails on Summary Judgment at ITC

October, 17th, 2019

WHIPgroup successfully defended summary judgment for a patent infringement case before the US International Trade Commission. The Respondents filed a motion for summary judgment of non-infringement based on their proposed claim construction of the term [Read More…]

What If a Trademark Becomes a Verb

July, 23rd, 2019

By Stephen F.W. Ball, Jr., Shuya Duan It becomes more and more popular for a consumer to use his or her favorite brand name as a verb in daily conversation. It is very common for [Read More…]

When the Statue of Liberty Meets Intellectual Property Law

July, 3rd, 2019

By Stephen F.W. Ball, Jr. and Shuya Duan Imagine you want to use an image of the Statue of Liberty as your product’s label, could you register it through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office [Read More…]

My Patent License Says What?

May, 16th, 2019

By: Benjamin N. Luehrs Generic forum selection clauses in patent license agreements can prevent licensees from trying to invalidate licensed patents at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). A recent Federal Circuit Opinion, [Read More…]

Stop Infringers At The Border

April, 18th, 2019

By Christopher J. Stankus Section 337 Investigations at the International Trade Commission (“ITC”) can be a vital weapon for patent owners to protect their U.S. intellectual property against infringing imports. Section 337 Investigations are resolved [Read More…]

WHIPgroup Files ITC Complaint On Behalf of RegenLab

March, 8th, 2019

WHIPgroup has filed a Complaint before the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) on behalf of its client RegenLab USA. The Complaint alleges that RegenLab’s US Pat. No. 10.064,894, directed to a blood separator system [Read More…]

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