
Supreme Court Holds IPR Patent Challenges Constitutional

April, 24th, 2018

By Dov Hirsch   Today, the U.S. Supreme Court has issued two important patent related decisions regarding Inter Partes Reviews (“IPR”) under the America Invent Act. In Oil States Energy Services, LLC V. Greene’s Energy Group, [Read More…]

USPTO Issues Guidance on Conclusions Involving Inventive Concept

April, 23rd, 2018

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued a guidance memo implementing the recent holding of the Federal Circuit in Berkheimer v. HP, Inc. The USPTO Memorandum clarifies the inquiry into whether a claim limitation represents well-understood, routine, [Read More…]

Sec. 101 Motions: Patent Panacea or Plague?

April, 12th, 2018

By Wesley W. Whitmyer, Jr. Motions to Dismiss on grounds that patents fail to claim patent-eligible subject matter, so called 101 or Alice Motions, have proliferated like dandelions in spring.  It’s the defense du jour for alleged infringers lacking prior [Read More…]

WHIPgroup Wins On Appeal Reversing § 101 Rejections

April, 6th, 2018

WHIPgroup continues its success in reversing rejections under 35 U.S.C. § 101 before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB). Claims for a method of identifying a fault condition in an electrical machine were rejected [Read More…]

Section 285 Does Not Require Pre-Filing Purchase

April, 4th, 2018

By William Birks III “The court in exceptional cases may award reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party.” –35 U.S.C. §285 Under Section 285, a court is empowered in exceptional cases to award attorney’s fees to [Read More…]

PTAB Closes in on The “First-to-Derive” in The “First-to-File” Era

March, 27th, 2018

By Benjamin N. Luehrs On March 21, 2018, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) entered uncharted waters when it instituted, for the first time, derivation proceedings between Andersen Corp. and GED Integrated Solutions, Inc., concerning [Read More…]

Postpone Moving to the Reservation

February, 27th, 2018

By Christopher J. Stankus The PTAB recently limited companies’ ability to utilize the doctrine of sovereign immunity to avoid IPR proceedings. Companies have been assigning their patents to state entities and Tribal governments to protect [Read More…]

Pre-Appeal Brief Results in Re-Opening of Prosecution

February, 14th, 2018

WHIPgroup attorneys filed a Pre-Appeal Brief in a patent application related to a method for providing a fault tolerance in an industrial automation and control system. The Examiner had rejected all claims as allegedly being [Read More…]

Why Examiners Like RCEs (and why you shouldn’t)

February, 12th, 2018

By Stephen F.W. Ball, Jr. The USPTO’s “count system” is used to try to objectively measure examiner performance, and the categories “production” and “docket management” are over half of overall examiner performance measurement.[1] The reason it [Read More…]

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