
What If a Trademark Becomes a Verb

July, 23rd, 2019

By Stephen F.W. Ball, Jr., Shuya Duan It becomes more and more popular for a consumer to use his or her favorite brand name as a verb in daily conversation. It is very common for [Read More…]

When the Statue of Liberty Meets Intellectual Property Law

July, 3rd, 2019

By Stephen F.W. Ball, Jr. and Shuya Duan Imagine you want to use an image of the Statue of Liberty as your product’s label, could you register it through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office [Read More…]

WHIPgroup Obtains Permanent Injunction for Vineyard Vines

July, 2nd, 2019

On June 28, 2019 WHIPgroup obtained a Judgment for Vineyard Vines that included both monetary damages and a permanent injunction against several serial counterfeiters. The Defendants in this case set up fraudulent websites that mimicked [Read More…]

WHIPgroup at the International Trademark Association (INTA) Annual Meeting in Boston

May, 30th, 2019

Last week six members of the WHIPgroup team attended the International Trademark Association conference in Boston. The annual conference is held in different locations each year and provides an opportunity to come together to learn [Read More…]

Patents and Trademarks Don’t Mix

May, 29th, 2019

By Wesley W. Whitmyer, Jr. The “IP” craze in naming law firms and professional associations blurs the lines between different types of intellectual property.  Patents and trademarks, in particular, are lumped together without regard to [Read More…]

Federal Circuit Guidance on Trademark Webpage Specimens

May, 7th, 2019

By Walter B. Welsh A webpage qualifies as use in commerce if it is a point-of-sale. A recent precedential decision, In re Siny Corp., provides guidance on what constitutes a point-of-sale. This article discusses that [Read More…]

WHIPgroup InventLab™ resident encaptiv™ Celebrates Successful Beta Launch; Is Recognized by Tech Tribune

March, 5th, 2019

WHIPgroup’s InventLab™ resident encaptiv™ – a Connecticut-based startup co-founded by Shannon Malkin Daniels, Matt Daniels, and Josh Gaddy – has been hard at work and is extremely pleased with the reception of the December 2018 [Read More…]

WHIPgroup Wins Clients 10s of Millions in 2018

March, 4th, 2019

Attorneys at WHIPgroup boast multiple million dollar settlements for their clients in 2018. The cases involved a variety of technologies and markets. Successful enforcement of trademarks, designs and utility patents all contributed to client  returns. [Read More…]

Race to the Courthouse: The role of Declaratory Judgements in Trademark Infringement Cases

January, 31st, 2019

By Lauren C. Matturri In December 2018 toy company MGA Entertainment Inc. filed a declaratory judgment against Louis Vuitton.[1]  This was to preempt the French fashion house from claiming MGA Entertainment’s Pooey Puitton toy was [Read More…]

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