
Please Join us for WHIPgroup’s June 19 Meetup: Cloud-based Business Models – Strategies for Success

May, 21st, 2018

The emergence of the cloud has accelerated growth of companies of every size and in every industry.  Cloud-based businesses can quickly deliver value and efficiently scale to thousands of customers.  However, launching and running a [Read More…]

WHIPgroup Hosts Open House and Wine Tasting

May, 14th, 2018

On May 9, 2018, WHIPgroup hosted an Open House to debut its newly-expanded office and publicize its many projects, including InventLab™, Stamford Tech Entrepreneur Meetup Series, and IP Eats.  Over 100 guests from a wide [Read More…]

WHIPgroup Files New Patent Infringement Lawsuit

May, 3rd, 2018

WHIPgroup has filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Dropbox Inc. on behalf of its client WhitServe LLC (“WhitServe”) in the District of Delaware. WhitServe’s U.S. Patent No. 8,812,437 (“the ’437 patent”), the subject of the [Read More…]

Sec. 101 Motions: Patent Panacea or Plague?

April, 12th, 2018

By Wesley W. Whitmyer, Jr. Motions to Dismiss on grounds that patents fail to claim patent-eligible subject matter, so called 101 or Alice Motions, have proliferated like dandelions in spring.  It’s the defense du jour for alleged infringers lacking prior [Read More…]

AI Analyst Adrian Bowles to speak at WHIPgroup April 17 Meetup

March, 26th, 2018

On Tuesday, April 17, at 6PM, educator, analyst, and author Adrian Bowles will present on Artificial Intelligence at the WHIPgroup Tech Entrepreneur Meetup. AI plays an increasing role in our lives as companies learn to [Read More…]

eSports, and the Power of an Established Brand

March, 6th, 2018

By Robert D. Keeler The next time you turn on the TV to watch the Olympics, you may see athletes with keyboards and mice instead of javelins or shot put balls. The International Olympic Committee recently [Read More…]

The Power of Aggressively Protecting your Patent Portfolio

January, 16th, 2018

By Dov Hirsch Just a few days ago, IBM Corp. sued Expedia, Inc. and its subsidiaries for infringing four of its patents. This suit comes only one day after IBM settled a patent dispute over [Read More…]

Death of the Internet. Really?

December, 19th, 2017

By Andrew P. Siuta On December 14th, the FCC voted to repeal Net Neutrality regulations that have been in place since 2015. The regulations prevented internet service providers from blocking websites or charging for higher [Read More…]

IPR Estoppel – Anything You Say May Be Used Against You In A Court Of Law

September, 26th, 2017

By Michael J. Kosma A Magistrate Judge in the Eastern District of Texas recently issued a report and recommendation finding that a plaintiff’s infringement claims were estopped due to prosecution disclaimer from statements made in [Read More…]

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