
January, 21st, 2020

The 2019-2020 Arterton Inn of Court is holding its second substantive event on Monday, January 27th at 6PM.

The event will take place at the New Haven Federal Courthouse, and will feature a mock mediation of a trademark dispute between fictional companies Chow Haus Corp. and Doorstep Dinner, Inc.  The dispute stems from Doorstep Dinner’s attempt to register a mark including the term ENTIRELY POSSIBLE, which Chow Haus has been using for years in connection with its meat sandwich restaurant business.

A real-life mediator will hear presentations from attorneys for Chow Haus and Doorstep Dinner, and will conduct breakout sessions in an attempt to achieve a settlement between the parties.  The mediation will play out in front of a large group of IP professionals and law students that we expect to attend.

WHIPgroup attorneys Walter Welsh and Patrick Duplessis led a pupilage group in preparing the event.  Please consider joining us at the event.

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