
Making Provisional Applications Part of Your IP Strategy

August, 2nd, 2018

By Stephen F. W. Ball, Jr. & Sean E. Paquette A provisional application is a type of U.S. patent application that is “informal” in the sense that there are no requirements for acceptance. It does [Read More…]

Supreme Court Holds IPR Patent Challenges Constitutional

April, 24th, 2018

By Dov Hirsch   Today, the U.S. Supreme Court has issued two important patent related decisions regarding Inter Partes Reviews (“IPR”) under the America Invent Act. In Oil States Energy Services, LLC V. Greene’s Energy Group, [Read More…]

USPTO Issues Guidance on Conclusions Involving Inventive Concept

April, 23rd, 2018

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued a guidance memo implementing the recent holding of the Federal Circuit in Berkheimer v. HP, Inc. The USPTO Memorandum clarifies the inquiry into whether a claim limitation represents well-understood, routine, [Read More…]

PTAB Persistence Doesn’t Always Pay

December, 12th, 2017

By Benjamin N. Luehrs In a recent precedential opinion, the PTAB adopted a seven-factor test for determining whether to institute a “follow-on” IPR petition.[1] Follow-on petitions seek to invalidate the same claims as a previous IPR [Read More…]

Amending Burdens: Federal Circuit Changes Law so IPR Petitioners Must Prove Amended Claims Unpatentable

November, 22nd, 2017

By Robert D. Keeler Inter partes review (“IPR”) proceedings are infamous for their high patent invalidation rate. To protect against wholesale patent loss, Congress gave Patent Owners the right to make narrowing amendments to any challenged [Read More…]

CAFC Seemingly Expands Inequitable Conduct to Litigators

November, 14th, 2017

By Christopher J. Stankus Patent prosecution attorneys are well aware of their duty of candor to the PTO. However, in Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Merus N.V., No. 2016-1346 (Fed. Cir. July 27, 2017), the Federal Circuit [Read More…]

Korean Trademark Rights Melt at the TTAB

October, 31st, 2017

By Chelsea A. Russell In the digital age, it is commonplace for consumers to be familiar with companies and products not for sale in their country. The internet has created a market in which companies [Read More…]

Federal Circuit Again Considers Whether Preamble Limits Scope of Patent Claim

August, 29th, 2017

By Patrick D. Duplessis In the recent holding in Georgetown Rail v. Holland (Fed. Cir. August 1, 2017), the Federal Circuit again addressed the question of whether a patent claim preamble is limiting. A patent [Read More…]

Earnhardt Family Races Through Federal Circuit Over Surname

August, 8th, 2017

By Christopher J. Stankus On July 27, 2017, the Federal Circuit vacated and remanded for reconsideration the TTAB’s finding that the mark EARNHARDT COLLECTION is not primarily merely a surname because it was unclear whether [Read More…]

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