
GUI Claims Upheld as Patent-Eligible by Federal Circuit

January, 31st, 2017

The Federal Circuit, in Trading Technologies International, Inc. v. CQG, Inc. et al., found claims covering a graphical user interface (GUI) for electronic trading of stocks to be patent eligible under 35 U.S.C. § 101.[1] [Read More…]

Federal Circuit Severely Limits Patents Eligible for CBM Review

November, 22nd, 2016

By Michael J. Kosma, Michael A. Lavine On November 21, the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit held that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“USPTO”) had improperly expanded the definition [Read More…]

Whitmyer IP Group Profiled in Law360

August, 6th, 2015

In an article published today in, Matthew Bultman chronicles the origin, opening and early success of Whitmyer IP Group. The article is available HERE.

Whitmyer IP Group Attorneys Win Federal Circuit Patent Appeal for Pentair Südmo

April, 13th, 2015

In the underlying District of Delaware case, Pentair Südmo alleged that double seat valve products from SPX Corporation and SPX Flow Technology Systems, Inc. infringed Pentair Südmo’s US Patent No. 7,891,376, entitled “Double Seat Valve [Read More…]

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